Shipping Charges:
U.S. Regular Mail
Your merchandise amount is:
Up to $15.......$7.50
$15.01 to $30....$9.00
$30.01 to $60....$10.00
$60.01 to $90....$12.00
$90.01 and over, up to 1 lb. weight...$15.00
Priorty Mail within the U.S.: $13.00 Flat Fee
U. S. Ground:
Your Order Amount is:
Up to $30.........$13.00
$30.01 to $60.....$16.00
$60.01 to $90.....$17.00
$90.01 to $120....$18.00
$120.01 and over...$19.00
For Express Mail, and other shipping
options please go HERE